Monday, April 25, 2011

Ron Paul: An Interesting choice for a short term fix?

Ron Paul is a very interesting and polarizing figure. One I have definitely held mixed feelings on. In 2008 I completly disliked him and his isolationist anti-miltary rhetoric. Since 2008 Myself and many fellow conservative's have had a "fiscal awakening". The debt has become so imsurmountable with the recent growth of the government and its subsiquential socialist approach. Ron Paul would be a drastic change oppposite of the leftist direction the country has been in. Drastic times take drastic measures, am I and many other American's ready to do what it takes and avoid Our governments impending insolvency?

This country feel under the doup of change.. and thus entered itsself down a road of Socialism.. a path the founders never intended for our nation. Barack Obama is a sheep in wolve's clothing. Thats all he has ever been, and is all he ever will be. He has made many many promises that to the average person in need sound great, glorious a "saving grace". But in reality they lead down the road to a larger more powerful government that strips us of our freedoms and liberties, and makes us lose what makes this country so darn special. Ron Paul calls for drastic change, but with him you would get what you get. He believes what he says (good or bad) and there is no grey area with this guy, and that is something I am looking for for the next leader of the free world.

So what is this drastic change he would provide? Well Ron paul has called for an Audit of the Federal Reserve... a measure that what provide true transparency and prove the fraud that is our federal governement. It would prove the dollar has now became such a joke, and show the insanity of how the government freely spends, and wastes! He would also call for the abolishment of the U.S. Department of Education. Now.. alot of you would hate me for supporting this.. but I like Ron Paul am a Constitutionalist and there is never been anything in it that calls for the Federal government to be involved in education. Leave this to the states, and as first intended let them succeed and fail on their own accord. This type of fiscal responsiblity will allow for future generations to have a fiscal future. On this current road Our Children will not live as good as we did. We must right this downtradden road and become more fiscally responsible. Ron Paul is a crazy answer but just could be the start to a fiscal revolution. I am willing to put some of the social issues I hold so dearly on the back burner if we can just give Our wonderful nation a chance at the future. Of which right now we do not have! I disagree with a lot of what Senator Paul say's but when it comes to fixing our finiacial situation there couldn't be a more important issue, and he doesnt take the normal responce.. he takes the drastic angle which is what is necessary at this point. I will keep my eyes peeled, could I support Ron Paul for President? I am not positive but it is something I am willing to consider. You should too.. conservatism.. constiutionalism... and American Exceptionalism could all be at risk!

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