Monday, April 25, 2011

UNT students and mormon documentary.

The North Texas daily recently published an article where two UNT students created a documentary on Mormonism. They repeat that it is not a personal attack, just strictly informational. They continued on to say how Mormons were not Christians, grilling the LDS missionaries, innocent bystanders in Utah, it's disturbing. The reason why I'm so intrigued with this article, is because I am Mormon. Born and raised. Quite frankly I'm fed up with seeing so called 'documentaries' and bios on Mormon's and they're wrong doings. It's unprofessional and not Christlike dare i say it. They continue on saying they studied the Mormons, like they're the scientists and we are the animals in a controlled environment. Yes, there is a freedom of speech, but if Mormons respond, they get grilled, that's where the anger is coming from.I don't understand why people attack mormons so much? I mean what have the LDS church done to anyone to harm? It doesn't make sense. It didn't help my views on UNT when this was published, it actually was very upsetting that an article was released and singled out, out of all the religions practiced at the University of North Texas, mormons were excluded. I bet the students the go here, don't even realize that the President of UNT is a member of the LDS church. I didn't even know until the beginning of the spring semester that he was a member. I thought it was very interesting with the way things are led at this University. It is surprising because of all the protests, the faculty and students views are mostly far left, with their gay rights, abortion rights etc being preached around the campus. It's hard to believe that a LDS member is running the joint. Anyway, this article continues to try to prove the LDS church as a non christian church and they go on to say that this is just informational and not a swaying article. Well, my butt. That is crap and i tried to stay on track with this, and it never came out. I think it is humorous that it never came to recognization on campus. I wonder since the president is a member of the mormon faith, it had gotten stopped somewhere. It is time to take a stand. I have a feeling that if the president were muslim, that the publishing of that article would have been stopped, because it is 'discriminatory' toward them. How is that fair at all? That makes no sense. That is discriminatory to a religion, isn't muslim a religion? So is mormonism right? There's no difference when putting it in a generalist perspective, and i intend to fight it tooth and nail. I am a practicing mormon at the University of North Texas, and let me tell you, it is difficult being here with all the protests that go against your belief, against what you've been raised to go against, and not believe such as homosexuals, abortion, and any other liberal activist protests that goes on on campus.

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